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This module contains examples of interest rate swaptions.

Swaption dataclass

Bases: EventsMixin

A Vanilla Swaption. In a Vanilla swaption the holder gets the opportunity to enter into the swap at the beginning of the first period.


Name Type Description Default
ccy str

the currency of the swap.

dates List[datetime]

the period datetimes of the underlying swap, including the inception and maturity.

strike_rate float

the strike rate of the swaption (in units, i.e. 0.02 means 200 bps).

track str

an optional identifier for the contract.



>>> dates = pd.bdate_range(datetime(2023, 12, 31), datetime(2024, 12, 31), freq="2QE")
>>> Swap("USD", dates, strike_rate = 0.03).print_events()
      time op  quantity unit track
12/31/2023  >     1.000 .swp  .opt
12/31/2023  +     1.000  USD  .swp
06/30/2024  +    -1.015  USD  .swp
06/30/2024  +     1.000  USD  .swp
12/31/2024  +    -1.015  USD  .swp
Source code in qablet_contracts\ir\
class Swaption(EventsMixin):
    """A **Vanilla Swaption**.
    In a Vanilla swaption the holder gets the opportunity to enter into the swap at the beginning of the first period.

        ccy: the currency of the swap.
        dates: the period datetimes of the underlying swap, including the inception and maturity.
        strike_rate: the strike rate of the swaption (in units, i.e. 0.02 means 200 bps).
        track: an optional identifier for the contract.

        >>> dates = pd.bdate_range(datetime(2023, 12, 31), datetime(2024, 12, 31), freq="2QE")
        >>> Swap("USD", dates, strike_rate = 0.03).print_events()
              time op  quantity unit track
        12/31/2023  >     1.000 .swp  .opt
        12/31/2023  +     1.000  USD  .swp
        06/30/2024  +    -1.015  USD  .swp
        06/30/2024  +     1.000  USD  .swp
        12/31/2024  +    -1.015  USD  .swp

    ccy: str
    dates: List[datetime]
    strike_rate: float
    track: str = ""

    def events(self):
        # option expiration event at beginning of the swap
        events = [
                "track": self.track + ".opt",
                "time": self.dates[0],
                "op": ">",
                "quantity": 1,
                "unit": self.track + ".swp",
        # payment events for the underlying swap
        for start, end in zip(self.dates[0:-1], self.dates[1:]):
                    self.ccy, start, end, self.strike_rate, self.track + ".swp"

        return events

BermudaSwaption dataclass

Bases: EventsMixin

In a Co-terminal Bermuda Swaption, the holder can exercise his option at the beginning of each swap period. If exercised, the holder pays and receives all remaining payments of the swap. If not exercised, there are no payments in the next swap period. Irrespective of the time of exercise, the swap terminates at the same date.


Name Type Description Default
ccy str

the currency of the swap.

dates List[datetime]

the period datetimes of the underlying swap, including the inception and maturity.

strike_rate float

the strike rate of the swaption (in units, i.e. 0.02 means 200 bps).

track str

an optional identifier for the contract.



>>> dates = pd.bdate_range(datetime(2023, 12, 31), datetime(2024, 12, 31), freq="2QE")
>>> Swap("USD", dates, strike_rate = 0.03).print_events()
      time op  quantity unit track
12/31/2023  >     1.000 .swp  .opt
12/31/2023  +     1.000  USD  .swp
06/30/2024  +    -1.015  USD  .swp
06/30/2024  >     1.000 .swp  .opt
06/30/2024  +     1.000  USD  .swp
12/31/2024  +    -1.015  USD  .swp
Source code in qablet_contracts\ir\
class BermudaSwaption(EventsMixin):
    """In a **Co-terminal Bermuda Swaption**, the holder can exercise his option at the beginning of each swap period.
    If exercised, the holder pays and receives all remaining payments of the swap. If not exercised, there are
    no payments in the next swap period. Irrespective of the time of exercise, the swap terminates at the same date.

        ccy: the currency of the swap.
        dates: the period datetimes of the underlying swap, including the inception and maturity.
        strike_rate: the strike rate of the swaption (in units, i.e. 0.02 means 200 bps).
        track: an optional identifier for the contract.

        >>> dates = pd.bdate_range(datetime(2023, 12, 31), datetime(2024, 12, 31), freq="2QE")
        >>> Swap("USD", dates, strike_rate = 0.03).print_events()
              time op  quantity unit track
        12/31/2023  >     1.000 .swp  .opt
        12/31/2023  +     1.000  USD  .swp
        06/30/2024  +    -1.015  USD  .swp
        06/30/2024  >     1.000 .swp  .opt
        06/30/2024  +     1.000  USD  .swp
        12/31/2024  +    -1.015  USD  .swp

    ccy: str
    dates: List[datetime]
    strike_rate: float
    track: str = ""

    def events(self):
        events = []
        for start, end in zip(self.dates[0:-1], self.dates[1:]):
            # option expiration event before each period
                    "track": self.track + ".opt",
                    "time": start,
                    "op": ">",
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "unit": self.track + ".swp",
            # payment event for the underlying swap
                    self.ccy, start, end, self.strike_rate, self.track + ".swp"

        return events