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AutoCallable Note

This module contains examples of autocallable notes.

DiscountCert dataclass

Bases: EventsMixin

An Autocallable Discount Certificate is called if the asset price is above the barrier level on any of the barrier observation dates. If called, the note pays the principal and the coupon accreted till the call date. Otherwise, at maturity, if the asset is above strike, it pays the principal and the coupon at maturity. If the asset is below strike, the principal payment is scaled down proportionately with the asset price.


Name Type Description Default
ccy str

the currency of the option.

asset_name str

the name of the underlying asset.

initial_spot float

the initial spot price of the asset.

strike float

downside participation below this strike.

maturity datetime

the maturity of the option in years.

barrier float

the note is called above this barrier level.

barrier_dates List[datetime]

the barrier observation points.

cpn_rate float

the coupon rate.

notional float

the notional amount.

track str

an optional identifier for the contract.



>>> start = datetime(2024, 3, 31)
>>> maturity = datetime(2024, 7, 31)
>>> barrier_dates = pd.date_range(start, maturity, freq="ME", inclusive="right")
>>> DiscountCert("USD", "AAPL", 100, 80, start, maturity, 102, barrier_dates, 0.092)print_events()
      time   op   quantity   unit track
04/30/2024 call 100.836815    USD
05/31/2024 call 101.680633    USD
06/30/2024 call 102.531512    USD
07/31/2024 call 103.389511    USD
07/31/2024    +   1.000000 payoff
Source code in qablet_contracts\eq\
class DiscountCert(EventsMixin):
    """An **Autocallable Discount Certificate** is called if the asset price is above the barrier level
    on any of the barrier observation dates. If called, the note pays the principal and the coupon accreted
    till the call date. Otherwise, at maturity, if the asset is above strike, it pays the principal and the
    coupon at maturity. If the asset is below strike, the principal payment is scaled down proportionately
    with the asset price.

        ccy: the currency of the option.
        asset_name: the name of the underlying asset.
        initial_spot: the initial spot price of the asset.
        strike: downside participation below this strike.
        maturity: the maturity of the option in years.
        barrier: the note is called above this barrier level.
        barrier_dates: the barrier observation points.
        cpn_rate: the coupon rate.
        notional: the notional amount.
        track: an optional identifier for the contract.

        >>> start = datetime(2024, 3, 31)
        >>> maturity = datetime(2024, 7, 31)
        >>> barrier_dates = pd.date_range(start, maturity, freq="ME", inclusive="right")
        >>> DiscountCert("USD", "AAPL", 100, 80, start, maturity, 102, barrier_dates, 0.092)print_events()
              time   op   quantity   unit track
        04/30/2024 call 100.836815    USD
        05/31/2024 call 101.680633    USD
        06/30/2024 call 102.531512    USD
        07/31/2024 call 103.389511    USD
        07/31/2024    +   1.000000 payoff

    ccy: str
    asset_name: str
    initial_spot: float
    strike: float
    accrual_start: datetime
    maturity: datetime
    barrier: float
    barrier_dates: List[datetime]
    cpn_rate: float
    notional: float = 100.0
    track: str = ""

    def events(self):
        events = []
        # Autocall events
        for barrier_date in self.barrier_dates:
            # daycount_fraction
            frac = dcf(barrier_date, self.accrual_start)
                    "track": self.track,
                    "time": barrier_date,
                    "op": "call",
                    "quantity": self.notional * np.exp(frac * self.cpn_rate),
                    "unit": self.ccy,

        # payoff at maturity
                "track": "",
                "time": self.maturity,
                "op": "+",
                "quantity": 1.0,
                "unit": "payoff",
        return events

    def fixed_payoff(self):
        return self.notional * np.exp(
            dcf(self.maturity, self.accrual_start) * self.cpn_rate

    def expressions(self):
        # Define the autocall condition
        def ko_fn(inputs):
            [S] = inputs
            return [S > (self.barrier * self.initial_spot / self.notional)]

        call = {
            "type": "phrase",
            "inp": [self.asset_name],
            "fn": ko_fn,

        # Define the final payoff
        def payoff_fn(inputs):
            [s] = inputs
            eq_pay = s * (self.notional / self.initial_spot)
            return [
                np.where(eq_pay < self.strike, eq_pay, self.fixed_payoff())

        payoff = {
            "type": "phrase",
            "inp": [self.asset_name],
            "fn": payoff_fn,

        return {"payoff": payoff, "call": call}

ReverseCB dataclass

Bases: DiscountCert

An Autocallable Reverse Convertible is called if the asset price is above the barrier level on any of the barrier observation dates. Otherwise, at maturity, if the asset is above strike, it pays the principal and the coupon at maturity. If the asset is below strike, the principal payment is scaled down proportionately with the asset price. The note pays periodic coupons until called or matured.


Name Type Description Default
ccy str

the currency of the option.

asset_name str

the name of the underlying asset.

initial_spot float

the initial spot price of the asset.

strike float

downside participation below this strike.

maturity datetime

the maturity of the option in years.

barrier float

the note is called above this barrier level.

barrier_dates List[datetime]

the barrier observation points.

cpn_rate float

the coupon rate.

notional float

the notional amount.

track str

an optional identifier for the contract.



>>> start = datetime(2024, 3, 31)
>>> maturity = datetime(2024, 7, 31)
>>> barrier_dates = pd.date_range(start, maturity, freq="ME", inclusive="right")
>>> ReverseCB("USD", "AAPL", 100, 80, start, maturity, 102, barrier_dates, 0.10).print_events()
      time   op   quantity   unit track
04/30/2024    +   0.833333    USD
04/30/2024 call 100.000000    USD
05/31/2024    +   0.833333    USD
05/31/2024 call 100.000000    USD
06/30/2024    +   0.833333    USD
06/30/2024 call 100.000000    USD
07/31/2024    +   0.833333    USD
07/31/2024 call 100.000000    USD
07/31/2024    +   1.000000 payoff
Source code in qablet_contracts\eq\
class ReverseCB(DiscountCert):
    """An **Autocallable Reverse Convertible** is called if the asset price is above the barrier level
    on any of the barrier observation dates. Otherwise, at maturity, if the asset is above strike, it pays the principal and the
    coupon at maturity. If the asset is below strike, the principal payment is scaled down proportionately
    with the asset price. The note pays periodic coupons until called or matured.

        ccy: the currency of the option.
        asset_name: the name of the underlying asset.
        initial_spot: the initial spot price of the asset.
        strike: downside participation below this strike.
        maturity: the maturity of the option in years.
        barrier: the note is called above this barrier level.
        barrier_dates: the barrier observation points.
        cpn_rate: the coupon rate.
        notional: the notional amount.
        track: an optional identifier for the contract.

        >>> start = datetime(2024, 3, 31)
        >>> maturity = datetime(2024, 7, 31)
        >>> barrier_dates = pd.date_range(start, maturity, freq="ME", inclusive="right")
        >>> ReverseCB("USD", "AAPL", 100, 80, start, maturity, 102, barrier_dates, 0.10).print_events()
              time   op   quantity   unit track
        04/30/2024    +   0.833333    USD
        04/30/2024 call 100.000000    USD
        05/31/2024    +   0.833333    USD
        05/31/2024 call 100.000000    USD
        06/30/2024    +   0.833333    USD
        06/30/2024 call 100.000000    USD
        07/31/2024    +   0.833333    USD
        07/31/2024 call 100.000000    USD
        07/31/2024    +   1.000000 payoff

    def events(self):
        events = []
        cpn_start_dates = [self.accrual_start] + list(self.barrier_dates[:-1])
        # Autocall events
        for start, end in zip(cpn_start_dates, self.barrier_dates):
            # daycount_fraction
            frac = dcf(end, start)
                    "track": self.track,
                    "time": end,
                    "op": "+",
                    "quantity": self.notional * frac * self.cpn_rate,
                    "unit": self.ccy,
                    "track": self.track,
                    "time": end,
                    "op": "call",
                    "quantity": self.notional,
                    "unit": self.ccy,

        # payoff at maturity
                "track": "",
                "time": self.maturity,
                "op": "+",
                "quantity": 1.0,
                "unit": "payoff",
        return events

    def fixed_payoff(self):
        return self.notional